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Monday 19 July 2010

What is in Aloe Vera?

Studies have found that there are 75 ingredients contained in the Aloe leaf. These ingredients have a variety of medical benefits. They are divided into the following categories:

Ligin – This cellulose substance is found in the gel has no known medical properties except it posses the property of penetrating the human skin.

Saponins – These form soapy lathers when mixed and agitated with water. They have been used in detergents, foaming agents and contain antiseptic properties.

Anthraquinones – There are 12 of these contained in the sap of Aloe Vera: Aloin, Isobarbaloin, Anthracene, Emodin, Ester of Cinnamonic acid, Chrysophanic acid, Barbaloin, Anthranol, Aloetic acid, Aloe Emodin, Ethereal oil and Resistannol. These act as natural laxatives, painkillers and analgesics, and they contain powerful antibacterial, antifungal and virucidal properties.

Minerals – Aloe Vera contains the following minerals:
- Calcium (essential for proper bone and teeth density)
- Manganese (a component of enzymes necessary for the activation of other enzymes)
- Sodium (ensures that the body fluids do not become too acidic or too alkaline)
- Copper (enables iron to work as oxygen carriers in the red blood cells)
- Magnesium (used by nerves and muscle membranes to help conduct electrical
- Potassium (regulates the acidic or alkaline levels of body fluid)
- Zinc (contributes to the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats)
- Chromium (necessary for the proper function of insulin, which in turn controls the
sugar levels in the blood)
- Iron (controls the transportation of oxygen around the body via the red blood cells)

Vitamins – Aloe Vera contains numerous vitamins:
- Vitamins A, C, & E (crucial antioxidants that combat dangerous free radicals in the body)

Enzymes – Some of the most important enzymes in Aloe Vera are: Peroxidase, Aliiase, Catalase, Lipase, Cellulase, Carboxypeptidase, Amylase and Alkaline Phosphatase. Enzymes help to break down food and assist in digestion. Some enzymes help break down fats while others break down starches and sugars.

Sugars – Aloe Vera contains both monosaccharides, such as glucose and fructose, and polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are the most important types of sugars. They aid in proper digestion, maintain cholesterol levels, improve liver functions and promote the strengthening of bones.

Sterols – Sterols are important anti-inflammatory agents. The ones found in Aloe Vera are: Cholesterol, Sitosterol, Campesterol and Lupeol. These sterols contain antiseptic and analgesic properties. They also have pain killing properties similar to aspirin.

As Aloe Vera is comprised of approximately 99% water, all of these chemicals
are contained in the remaining 1% of the plant. Although this may seem like a small percentage to contain so many ingredients, its helpfulness has been proven to be significant. Dr. Atherton claims that this is due to synergistic actions.

He writes;
“Synergism is defined as, ‘the working together of two or more drugs, muscles, etc.,to produce an effect greater then the sum of their individual effects.’”

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